Semantics: Thank yourself later

04 Oct 2018

First Impressions

Prior to this past week, I have never used HTML, CSS, or UI Framework. The idea of creating a website always scared me with countless lines of code. The closest thing I came close to “developing” my own website was through sites like Wix or Squarespace where they have already done the hard part and written all the code. Now that I have put my foot in the waters of website designing, I realize its not as bad as I built it to be in my head. Granted I am only at the introductory level, but coding isn’t to the extent of what I imagined it to be. I started of my coding with HTML. After learning the basics of HTML, I quickly got the hang of it and was able to code faster and more efficient. Using style also gives the ability to change up your site and make it different and unique to how you want it. However not too long after we got comfortable, we were introduced to a new language called Semantic UI.

Why Semantic UI?

Semantic UI is a modern development framework that allows developers to make a sleek, subtle, and flat looking design to their website. When we started using Semantic UI, I was a bit overwhelmed. There were way more options and design choices than HTML. All ranging from menus too columns. Semantic UI gave a lot more things to memorize and use to implement into our coding. Some may argue why we would use such a complicated and frurstating language. However,the way I see it is that in the long term, Semantic UI will be more beneficial than hurtful. Semantic UI has these pre set classes that will organize your content in a much cleaner way. Yes there are a lot of choices, but once you remember them, they will help you countless amount of times. Semantic UI is definitely the way to go and I will continue to use it while still implementing my HTML code. Because the way I see it is that HTML is the raw material, while Sematic UI are pieces that are already built together, and we just have to put them together. This way we save time and can spend that on other things.